

   the best birth book©

            Know your birthing options...While this books focus is on an evidence-based, less interventional philosophy of care rooted in the concept that in most women birth is a natural event; it also describes in detail what to expect with each intervention so you can make educated decisions for you and your baby.

            This book is intended as a guide; because birth is a powerful experience of the unknown.  Not a predetermined set of events.  There is no right way to give birth. There is only each woman’s way.  There is no single ideal birth.  There is the birth you have.  There is no right childbirth method just the need to be integrated into the physiological, psychological, and emotional process of the intensely private experience of birth. 

            Whether you intend to give birth in a hospital, birth center or at home; plan to use an obstetrician as a health care provider and utilize all technology has to offer, an epidural, labor induction or cesarean section or plan to use a nurse-midwife and labor support specialist/doula as a your birth team and plan to have a non-interventional labor and birth; this book will give you the knowledge to make informed choices for yourself and your unborn baby.

'experience empowered birth'

"The Best Birth Book" will provide you with the knowledge and confidence to  be an active participant in "your own labor and birth experience by making the choices that will lead to the best birth for you and your baby".


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